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As we look back on 2022, we are proud of the many projects we were able to be a part of and the successes our clients achieved with our simulation technology. From training programs for pilots and drivers, to immersive experiences for visitors at simulation labs and show rooms

, Vioso's simulation software played a vital role in making these projects a reality. We are excited to see what 2023 has in store for us and our clients. We are confident that the coming year will bring even more innovative and impactful use cases for our technology. We are dedicated to continuing to push the boundaries of what is possible with simulation and look forward to working with our clients to create new and exciting experiences. Thank you for your continued support and partnership. Here's to a great 2023! Sincerely, The Vioso Team.

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We are everywhere and around the world for projects and as well for events!

Meet us at Driving Simulation Conference 2022 from 15th-16th September in Straßbourg!

The close technical exchange with specialists from automotive simulation and getting to know the latest simulation possibilities have fascinated us several times at the DSC. Therefore, it is even nicer to be able to announce again:

We are very happy to be part of the Driving Simulation Conference 2022.

Last year we were able to show our competence - the VIOSO Magic - in our panadome.

VIOSO is participating in the Driving Simulation Conference as it gathers driving simulation specialists from the industrial and academic communities as well as commercial simulation providers.

We are very pleased to be a part together with our partner ST Engineering Antycip from UK and meet our favourite clients and partners there.

You can now experience and try out our new VIOSO 6 SIM software on site.

Get to know the new functions and of course we look forward to any feedback on this.

Let’s see us at our booth 26 or in cooperation with rFpro and AB Dynamics at booth 14.

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We launched a new software with some significant changes...

Dear friends of VIOSO SIMULATION ,

The day, we've been waiting for has arrived! Today we present to you the most powerful version of our software yet: VIOSO 6 SIM ! And it is also particularly important for us SIMULATION guys.

In this latest version you will find several new functionalities:

  • A visual project designer to assist the set-up of complex projects, with multiple servers, projectors, cameras and eye-points. No more (.ini) files!

  • A project workflow that allows you to navigate back and forth through different steps of your calibration setup, including observer correction

  • A 3D calibration interface ensures that even the most demanding simulation setups can be realized with outstanding quality and linearity.

  • We integrated 30 export possibilities directly in the tool, including major simulation applications.

  • The camera calibration process itself received a major update, with improved stability, extended extrapolation features and new algorithms.

  • The calibration inspector ensures you have control over your calibration. And countless more smaller updates that you will surely enjoy!

VIOSO 6 sim will improve constantly over the next year with exciting features up to come - be curious! Trailer-Video

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